Monday, June 04, 2007

The Link [PART TWO]

This is PART TWO, if you haven't read PART ONE, click here.


3 Januari 2010
Pinggir kota Medan
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

“Check your email, Lucas.”

Lucas bangun dari tempat tidurnya bergegas menuju komputernya, menabrak sudut meja kopi dan menjatuhkan seperangkat alat tulis ke lantai dalam perjalanannya. Buru-buru dia menghubungkan koneksi internet dan login masuk membuka accountnya. Saat itu pukul 2 di pagi hari.

Ada sebuah window muncul sebelum Lucas sempat membuka inboxnya.

Dia mengirimku Instant Message. Dia memintaku untuk chatting... Aku harus tetap tenang...

Dengan perlahan-lahan, Lucas meng-klik kata “accept” yang tertera di monitornya. Seketika, sebuah window yang lebih besar muncul, dengan sebuah pesan terpampang jelas di sudut kiri bawah.

Hyphenated_Girl : Lucas?

Lucas menarik nafas, sekaranglah saatnya… setelah menunggu selama sepuluh tahun, dia akan mengungkap misteri suara yang telah menghancurkan keluarganya, merenggut Eric, dan merusak hidupnya… Mengapa dia harus gugup sekarang?

Luc : Yes

Hyphenated_Girl : Who are you?

Luc : My name is Lucas Satriya. I live in Indonesia.

Hyphenated_Girl : Indonesia?

Luc : Yes. Who are you?

Hyphenated_Girl : You don’t know who I am? Then how are you doing this? How can I hear your thoughts inside my mind?

Luc : I don’t know. I was as confused as you are.

Hyphenated_Girl : Was?

Luc : I first heard your thoughts when I was ten. But I didn’t know them to be someone’s thoughts back then. But now I know that they’re all yours. I just don’t know who you are…

Hyphenated_Girl : So you’re as blank as I am.

Luc : May I know your name?

Beberapa detik berlalu tanpa terjadi apa-apa.

Michelle : Fawn. My name is Michelle Fawn.

Luc : Michelle. I’ve heard that before… from your thoughts of course. Then where are you?

Michelle : I’m from Los Angeles. US.

Luc : America?

Michelle : Do you know why we can hear each other’s thoughts?

Luc : I don’t know. I have no idea… I think I am born like this…

Benar juga… aku begitu sibuk cari tahu siapa dia sehingga aku lupa menanyakan mengapa aku bisa mendengar pikirannya…


January 2, 2010
Downtown Los Angeles

“... mengapa aku bisa mendengar pikirannya dan bagaimana dia juga bisa mendengar apa yang aku pikirkan...”

Trying to set the thoughts aside, not to listen to them for a moment, Michelle was concentrating on getting as much information from this guy as possible. After all, he’s experiencing the same thing.

Michelle : So you’re a mind reader?

Luc : No, I guess not. I mean, I can’t read other people’s thoughts. Just yours.

Michelle : But why me?

Luc : Why can you hear mine?

Michelle : I don’t know. All I know is that they are annoying, your thoughts are! I just want them to go away…

Luc : And do you think me hearing all your foreign language all my life was fun? I lost my life because of it. I lost my best friend because of it. My only friend!

She stared at Luc’s message for a while. There’s something burning inside her body. It’s not something happy and it’s not her conscious feeling. But it’s warm and touching…

Michelle : I’m sorry. I don’t know…

Luc : That’s all right. I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have spilled it on you.

Michelle : Are you gonna try and find out why is this happening between us?

Luc : Yes… Will you help me?

Michelle stayed still for several seconds. She knew neither she nor Lucas could make it go away, but she would try… and so would he. So she should help him. There’s no other way. She must find out why she could hear the thoughts of someone far in Indonesia, someone who’s a total stranger to her.


Lucas’ thought reverberated all over her head, just as a new feeling of warmth and relief struck her chest.


March 16, 2012
Michelle’s residence
Manhattan, New York

“Mich! Mich! Are you up?”

Not now, Luc. I’m barely awake.

“I’ve thought about it all… you know… how we never found any leads about the link. That case in Central Africa was not at all relevant. It’s just about a speculation of mind-controlling device being covered up by Russian government. I think it’s a hoax… are you still there?”

Luc, I’ve told you. I’m still sleeping… do you know what time this is?

“Hahaha... I know. I’m just messing with you. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!”

Arrgh… Luc! I’ve told you not to scream in my head. Ok. Ok… now I’m up! Give me several minutes, ok? Then I’ll talk to you.

Michelle woke up and sat on her bed. She looked closely at the person next to him. James’s a good guy. She knew that she hadn’t told him about her mind connection yet. Not now. There’s too much at stake. He would think she’s crazy.

The digital clock showed a red three–hundred. It was a very tranquil night. Michelle put on her robe and grabbed a glass of water. After that, she sat on a wooden chair in front of the electric fake chimney.

Luc, still there?

“Yep. How’s James doing?”

Ah, he’s sleeping like a pig. Adorable, though. It’s hard to lie to him, you know.

“You’re not lying to him about anything. You just don’t tell him anything.”

Same difference, Luc. So now, where’s my present?

“Haha… never forget, do you? Check your inbox!”

Michelle clicked on her purple mailbox icon and an e-Card emerged, automatically singing her favorite song as several sparkling letters were dancing gracefully to arrange some sentences. Michelle turned off the speaker quickly, wondering if James was up because of the sound. But then her eyes were fixed on the sentences.

Oh, Lucas. You can’t…

Happy 21st Birthday, you grown-up lady! Now you’re legal to have drinks. But don’t have too much and then forget who I am, coz even with this broad distance upon us, my feelings for you can’t be ignored. Oh yeah, and don’t get fat!

She was listening intently, but Lucas didn’t reply. He must be waiting for her to think.

Lucas. You know we can’t do that. We can never be together, not with all these differences between us. And I have James now, and I love him…

And suddenly she heard him…

“You love him? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Mich. You know you mustn’t lie to yourself. You don’t love him. I know the truth, I can hear them.”

Be as it may, Luc, we still can’t.

“Why, Mich? Why do you keep lying to yourself? I can hear what you think of me. I know what you know about your feeling to me. And you know damn well about my feeling as well…”

Yeah.. and I’m getting quite sick of it… you hearing my thoughts and all. I need some privacy, Luc!

“What? Privacy? You know we haven’t had that our whole life. How can you ask such impossible thing? We are meant to be. Or at least this link makes us.”

Yeah, about that, you said, two years ago, you would find out the cause of it. It’s been so long, Luc. Have you known?

“No. And I don’t think I want to anymore.”

Oh please, Luc. This link destroyed you! You said it! Your life! Your family! Your friend! Of course you don’t want it! What made you find me two years ago? You want this connection gone as much as I do!

“Maybe I don’t anymore… Yes! I wanted it to be gone! I wanted you and your voices to go away. But that time I was so alone. I didn’t know anything about companionship, and yes, I used to blame all my pain to this. I didn’t have the idea of loving somebody. But now I do, Mich. Now that you’re in my life.”

Michelle put both her hands on her forehead. She heard all Lucas said. But now her mind’s empty and she didn’t have anything to think about, literally.

“The link is there because of a reason, Mich. And you are the reason. I am your soul mate. I know you do feel the same. You can’t walk away from destiny, Michelle.”

I don’t know Luc. It’s not that simple. I live in America. I have a job. What about James? I can’t just leave him.

“You’re right. You can’t leave. You have a life back there. I will. I will come to you, Mich.”

No! No! NO! You can’t. Don’t even think about that, Luc.

But Lucas seemed to be convinced. Michelle tried to put some sense in his head, but he was deeply in love with her. He was sure of his feeling and he had faith in her, something Michelle didn’t possess.

The whole day, a silent mind battle occurred in both persons’ heads. She was arguing with a man half way around the world without a single means of modern communication device.

A few-teen hours later, the only thing Michelle got was a terrible headache. Her attempt to persuade Lucas to not come to America had failed. This was breaking her heart, because she was forced to do the only thing left to convince him to stay.

Luc, —she thought feebly— I care for you too much to let you ruin your life by getting here. We can’t be together even if you’re here. It’s not that. I just don’t love you… And I think we should live our own lives separately. No more listening to each other’s thoughts. It’s over, Luc.

She knew she wouldn’t be able to just erase Luc from his memories. She knew she couldn’t cut off the connection at will. But she had made her mind.

There were a few moments of silence, the most awkward one between them. But then Lucas’ voice echoed clearly…

“You do love me.”

No. I don’t, Luc.

“You are lying, Mich.”

And then, there’s only silence.


02 Juni 2012
Café dé Sunshine

Lucas menatap mata tajam dan wajah bersiku Hana, yang menatap balik penuh selidik. Lalu senyum menghiasi bibirnya. Hana menjulurkan tangannya, menggenggam jemari Lucas.

“Ada apa, Lucas? Kau kelihatan pucat sejak tadi.” tuturnya sehalus mungkin.

“Hah? Ah, tidak. Hanya migrain kok, belakangan ini aku amat lelah... banyak pikiran.” elak Lucas, karena sebenarnya dia sedang berkonsentrasi untuk mendengar apa yang dipikirkan Michelle.

“... John seems so great. He’s polite, clever, and he’s passionate about me.. even more than James was...”

Oh, cut the crap, Mich. It’s all been a big stupid game. It’s been three months now, and all you do is trying to find someone to make you forget and run away from me. Well, guess what? You can’t. Cause I’m here inside your head whether you like it or not.

You can ignore me all you want, Mich. But I know you can hear me. And if you don’t want to talk to me, then know that you’re wasting your time by trying to live a life without me. We have been given this link for a reason. I believe it, why can’t you? We can read all of our deepest thoughts, we know all of our flaws. We have opened up for each other more than you have done to anybody else. The truth is, there is no one out there who understands you more than I do...

You cut me from your life three months ago. But we both know that didn’t work. You can still hear my thoughts and I can hear yours. I know what you’re going through right now. And I am not going to give up this easily. So you can either speak to me or listen to my voice for the rest of your life.

“I’ve been hearing you all my life... I can live with it, Lucas. And stop talking to me while I’m on a date!”

Ah, Finally... you speak to me. Don’t worry. I’m on a date myself.

“I know! Hana something, right? Then why don’t you just play it all along and live our lives separately. Leave me alone, Lucas.”

Hana is a great girl, but I don’t love her.

“Why not? You two have lots of similarities, unlike us.”

“Kamu mau pesan apa? Pagi ini aku merasa sangat hidup, lho… Aku senang kita akhirnya bersama, Lucas. Aku selalu kagum padamu, kau tahu?”

It doesn’t matter, Mich.

“Benarkah? Aku pesan yang biasa saja. Aku tidak bisa makan makanan berat waktu sarapan.”

“It matters to me, Lucas. I can’t just leave my whole life here just for you. What you ask is unacceptable.”

I just ask you to be honest to yourself, Michelle, coz I’ve noticed you … living in a lie…

“Kamu yakin kamu tidak apa? Dari tadi aku perhatikan kamu mengelus kepalamu. Mungkin lebih baik kita keluar sebentar. Cari angin…”

“Oh, you really want to do this now, don’t you? Are you trying to make me upset, now? Bring it on, flame boy! Living in a lie! What about you? All this time! You still see Eric, don’t you! And you’ve been telling yourself that you don’t. You’re just a big liar yourself!”

Shut up, Michelle! Leave Eric out of this!

“Oh, tidak apa-apa, Hana. Kamu pesan dulu, sana.”

“Oh, I hit a nerve there, didn’t I? Or are you telling me that Eric’s accident wasn’t your fault? That’s all you’ve been telling yourself to make you feel better all these years, haven’t you? You lied to yourself about one damn thing just to make you feel better! Just to allow you to live your life wholly. So why can’t I do the same! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME TO BE HONEST, YOU LIAR!——


————“My head hurts so badly, Lucas! Maybe if I keep pushing you like this, the connection will be terminated!”——

Jemari Lucas tampak gemetar di atas meja. Lucas tahu Hana melihatnya, memperhatikannya dengan cemas.

———STOP IT, Michelle! It won’t come off! You’re only killing yourself! You’re only killing us!

Lucas tidak tahan lagi. Kepalanya begitu sakit. Dia menekan pelipisnya, mengibas-ngibaskan kepalanya, berharap rasa sakit di ujung telinganya bisa reda.

“Whoa, Lucas! Ada apa?” Hana berdiri dan mendekati Lucas. Lucas mengabaikannya.

“Then why are you still listening to my thoughts? You can end this pain on your end! You just STOP THINKING about me when this buzzing occurs! Like we always do!”——

I WILL NOT STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU, MICHELLE! Not even if it cause my head to explode! Not even if it means I will never think again! ARRGH!——

——ARRGH——LUCAS? ARE YOU CRAZY? I can’t control this thing! You know it! Only you can make it stop! MAKE IT STOP, LUCAS! You’ll get yourself killed——

————No, Mich!——never… let you go…———

Lucas merosot dari kursinya. Tubuhnya menubruk lantai dengan suara debam keras. Teriakan Hana dan Michelle hanyut dalam perjalanannya menuju otak Lucas. Lalu semuanya menjadi gelap dan hening.


June 01, 2012
Manhattan, New York

Lucas? Lucas?

“Michelle! Michelle! Are you all right? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?” John’s voice echoed in the restaurant. Several seconds later, two servants and John helped Michelle to sit back on her chair, where she had just fallen from.

Michelle, however, didn’t pay any attention to them. Her mind was racing. Her thought was only one. And saying that, her thought was—literally—only one. She couldn’t feel the presence of Lucas anymore. She couldn’t hear him.

Lucas? Oh no! What happened? Oh my God… did I just kill him? No.. no… Why can’t I hear him? Oh, God. It was all my fault…

Michelle was quivering in horror. She hadn’t any idea of what’s just happened. She sat there immobilized, gazing through nothing, feeling numb. The only thing she’s aware of was the big silence in her mind… as if a huge gap just missing from her soul…


06 Juni 2012
Rumah Sakit Gleneagles
Medan, Indonesia

Lucas berbaring tak terfokus. Tubuhnya belum bergerak seharian. Pandangannya kosong, sehampa jiwanya yang telah terkikis dari harapan. Pikirannya dipenuhi dengan kata-kata tak berarti. Tapi semuanya adalah miliknya. Tidak ada lagi suara seorang gadis. Lucas telah mencoba menghubungi Michelle, namun rasa sakit menyerang kepalanya begitu dia mencoba berpikir lebih keras. Yang dia pikirkan sekarang adalah betapa tidak berasa-nya makanan rumah sakit ini.

Tania duduk memandang Lucas dengan penuh ketakutan. Dia berbicara pada Lucas tentang banyak hal, yang semuanya tidak masuk ke kepala Lucas sama sekali. Tania sadar akan betapa tidak responsif saudaranya. Dia bahkan meragukan apakah Lucas tahu dia ada di sana.

Begitu seterusnya sampai sore hari pukul 4. Pintu terbuka dan seseorang masuk ke dalam ruangan. Lucas tidak melihat siapa itu. Kepalanya dibalut perban yang membuatnya sulit untuk berpaling. Lagi pula, dia tidak berniat.

Lalu ada suara mengetuk kepalanya, bukan dari dalam, tapi dari luar. Dan betapa anehnya mendengar suara yang sangat familiar itu.


Lucas tidak berpaling. Matanya tetap menatap silau lampu kamar di langit-langit. Tapi dia bisa mendengar suara itu, suara yang sudah menghantuinya selama bertahun-tahun. Lalu dia mendengar gadis itu terisak.

“Mich?” Kata Lucas akhirnya. Dengan susah payah, dia mencoba untuk berpaling.

Di sampingnya, berdiri seorang gadis berambut merah dengan mata bulat manis. Mata yang saat itu basah karena air mata. Gadis itu memandangnya dengan teliti. Kedua tangannya saling menggenggam didepan dadanya, seakan sedang berdoa, tapi tidak.

“You’re here...” sahut Lucas parau.

“I am.” katanya pelan. “How are you feeling?”

“You look alot like what I’ve imagined you to be...”

“Of course, you silly. I’ve given you my pictures...” dan anehnya, dia tersenyum.

“Yeah.. but still...”

“I can’t hear you anymore...” dia menyentuh pelipisnya.

“I can’t hear you anymore...”

“I can.” sahut Lucas. Dia baru saja mendengar Michelle di kepalanya.

“I can.”

Mereka berpandangan, saling kaget satu sama lain. Beribu-ribu kata masuk kedalam kepala Lucas, dan dia tahu pada saat itu juga, Michelle telah bisa mendengar kembali pikirannya.

Kemudian mereka terdiam. Lama sekali. Tidak ada suara lain di sana kecuali hembusan lembut angin dari AC. Michelle tersenyum dan duduk di tempat tidur disamping Lucas. Tanpa kata-kata, mereka mengutarakan semuanya. Tanpa kata-kata, mereka saling mengerti satu sama lain. Tanpa kata-kata, mereka saling meminta maaf. Tanpa kata-kata, mereka bersenda gurau. Tanpa sepatah katapun, pikiran mereka menjadi satu.






  • The story-telling was based on chapters. There were 13 chapters total. 7 from PART ONE, and 6 from PART TWO. Even so, PART TWO was longer than PART ONE. All of Michelle's chapters were started with Lucas' thoughts, except one: "January 1, 2010". It was started with Julia's voice.
  • The high frequency buzzing happened because of two people trying to read what the other was thinking. When you read someone's thought who's trying to read yours, it creates a feedback. Similar in principle to audio feedback.
  • Due to the trauma of losing his bestfriend over his mysterious "link", Lucas often hallucinated about Eric's present, and until the end of the story, Eric (the imagination) was still standing there in the hospital ward.
  • Lucas' connection to Mich's mind was somehow stronger than Mich's. That's why he experienced it first (at age 10) then Mich experienced it 3 years later (at age 12). That's also why the buzzing gave Lucas more pain. Mich somehow could feel Lucas' feelings at times. But she didn't realize that.
  • The finale chapter was June 06, 2012. This story was finished at June 05, 2007. Accordingly, June 06 was the author's special day.
  • Café dé Sunshine, Bukit Kubu, and Gleaneagles are real places in Indonesia. The story, however, is obviously fiction.
  • The real source and cause of the connection is unknown.
  • The actual ending planned by the author was in Polonia Airport (or Newark Airport, undecided yet) where Lucas (followed by his mind instructions of where Michelle was) finally met Michelle for the first time. That more fortunate circumstances didn't make it to the story because it required too many pages.
  • Thank you for reading! See you in the next story! :P

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Link [PART ONE]

“Mari kuceritakan sebuah kisah yang tidak pernah kau dengar sebelumnya... suatu keajaiban yang sudah terjadi sejak 20 tahun yang lalu, namun baru disadari pada hari ini...”
“... aku sudah menemukan dia, dan tidak ada yang bisa kau lakukan untuk mencegah aku menemuinya.”


18 November 2001
Berastagi, 56 km dari kota Medan
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Lucas berlari keluar menyebrangi lautan rumput di bukit hijau yang terhampar luas di hadapannya. Pagi itu, adalah Minggu pagi yang dingin seperti biasanya. Oksigen dan uap air menyerang wajah Lucas, membuatnya menggigil. Namun ia tidak peduli, karena jika ia tidak menghindari kerumunan orang di belakangnya, mereka akan bisa mendengar dia. Atau lebih buruk, tahu kalau Lucas bisa mendengar dia.

“Halo... kamu bisa dengar aku? Namaku Lucas.”

“... I can’t be wearing that dress. It’s ghastly. Oh no, Miss Janet is here. She will be forcing me to wear it. I don’t want to. Please. Help me. Please!”

“Halo... Halo... Aku tidak bisa mengerti apa yang kamu katakan.”

Lucas berdiri seorang diri di tengah-tengah Bukit Kubu di pagi hari, di atas rumput basah. Tidak ada seorang pun yang berada dalam radius 50 meter dari dia. Lucas berdiri menatap ke pegunungan dan hutan nan jauh tanpa terfokus. Tangannya yang tadi terkantung-kantung tanpa arti sekarang sedang menekan pelipis kepalanya.

“Oh there she is! I hope Brad will be here as well. But what happens when he sees me with these clothes? I can’t. He can’t see me.”

“Tolong hentikan ini. Jangan memanggilku lagi. Tolong... hentikan...”

Namun kepada siapapun Lucas berbicara, jelas mereka tidak mendengarnya. Karena Lucas masih bisa mendengar suara itu. Suara dia. Tidak mau berhenti.


4 Mei 2006
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Di atap sebuah gedung tua kosong, 16 meter dari tanah, Lucas memandang kebawah. Pintu masuk gedung baru saja terbuka dan seorang laki-laki masuk kedalam. Lucas berbalik dan duduk diatas sebuah balok beton yang lembab. Rambutnya yang lumayan gondrong terkibas angin kencang yang menyejukkan.

“He’s there? I can’t believe it. Did he see me? Oh. He’s wearing the shirt I picked for him. Oh my God, oh my God...”

Beberapa menit kemudian, seorang lelaki kecil berambut seperti tikus muncul di hadapan Lucas. Wajahnya tampan dan rahangnya kokoh. Namanya Eric. Dia teman dari Lucas, mungkin satu-satunya.

“Jadi, katakanlah padaku.” ungkap Eric tanpa basa basi.

“Ada sebuah suara di kepalaku. Suara seorang perempuan.” jawab Lucas buru-buru.

“Perempuan? Apa kamu tidak hanya membayang—”

“Aku tahu apa yang kualami, Eric. Dan tidak! Aku tidak membayangkan. Aku memberitahumu karena aku tahu kamu tidak akan menganggapku aneh dan menertawakanku bahwa semua ini hanyalah sebuah hasrat akan perempuan yang tidak pernah aku dapatkan. Aku tidak butuh itu! Sudah cukup banyak orang yang mengejekku!”

“Hei Hei! Aku tidak mengejekmu. Aku cuma penasaran. Kau yakin itu suara orang lain? Bukan suara rekaanmu sendiri?”

“Iya. Suara itu terdengar begitu jernih seakan dia ada disampingku... bukan.. seakan dia ada di dalam kepalaku.”

“Tapi siapa dia? Kau mengenal suaranya?”

“Tidak tahu. Aku bahkan tidak mengerti apa yang dia bilang. Bahasa Inggris. Ia berbicara bahasa Inggris. Kusadari itu ketika aku berumur 12 tahun. Sebelumnya aku tidak tahu sama sekali bahasa apa itu.”

“Tunggu. Kau mengatakan bahwa suara ini sudah ada sejak dulu?”

“Iya. Pertama kali muncul sejak aku berumur 10 tahun. Aku memberitahu orang tuaku dan mereka menyuruhku melupakannya saja, bahwa itu tidak nyata. tapi bagaimana kau bisa melupakan hal yang sedang terjadi padamu seumur hidupmu?”

“Berapa sering suaranya muncul? Apa suara itu muncul sekarang?”

“Kadang-kadang. Baru saja. Sekarang tidak ada. Tidak dapat kutebak kapan munculnya. Kadang pagi-pagi sebelum aku bangun, kadang muncul ketika aku ada di sekolah, kadang bahkan muncul ketika aku sedang tidur, membuatku terbangun dan terkejut.”

“Lalu apa katanya?”

“Entahlah. Aku tidak begitu memperhatikan apa yang dia bilang. Biasanya aku mencoba untuk tidak mendengarnya. Biasanya aku mencoba untuk menganggap itu hanya keributan di sekitar.”

“Tapi itu bukan keributan, Luc. Kau harus mendengar apa yang dia katakan. Mungkin dia hendak memberimu pesan. Mungkin saja dia hantu yang penasaran.”

“Jangan bercanda, Ric!”

“Iya, Sorry. Tetap saja, kau harus memberitahuku apa yang dikatakannya lain kali.”

“Tapi aku tidak mengerti Bahasa Inggris. Itu pelajaran yang paling tidak aku suka.”

“Cobalah untuk mengingatnya. Nanti aku akan membantumu mengartikannya. Jika kita tahu siapa dia, mungkin kita bisa menghentikannya.”

“Jadi, kamu percaya padaku, Ric?”

“Siapa itu Ric?” sahut seorang gadis tiba-tiba, membuat Lucas berbalik dan melihat Tania, adik perempuannya melongo melihat Lucas.

“Eric, temanku... ini.” Lucas menunjuk tempat dimana Eric berdiri tadi, yang sekarang tinggal sebuah dinding kosong. “Eric?” tanya Lucas melihat-lihat sekeliling. Eric tidak ada di atap gedung itu. Kemana dia pergi?

“Eric sudah meninggal 2 tahun lalu, Luc. Ayo, turunlah ke bawah. Ayah punya seseorang yang mau bertemu denganmu.” sahut Tania dengan nada cemas.

“Tidak. Aku mau berada disini. Eric percaya padaku. Eric percaya dia ada! Tinggalkan aku sendirian, Tan!”

“...Forever suits on you? ‘Forever suits on you’? What was I thinking? Oh no.. this is so embarassing...”

Perlahan-lahan, Tania mundur dan turun ke lantai bawah.


November 21, 2004
Downtown Los Angeles

“Tidak! Tidak! Ini semua salahku. Jika Eric tidak mempercayaiku... jika aku tidak memberitahunya.. semua ini tidak akan terjadi. Ini salahku.. ini salahku...”

Michelle opened her eyes up almost abruptly. Her breath was racing. Sweating all over her body, she got up and sat on her bed. Her eyes were checking her surroundings. It was just a dream. A weird dream it was. She knew that she couldn’t sleep anymore, not with what had just happened.

She went downstairs to get a drink. Glancing at the clock as she was walking out of her bedroom, she saw that it’s 3 in the morning.

To her surprise, there was someone in the kitchen. Ah, it’s just her mom.

“Darling, what’s wrong?”

“I .. I had a nightmare. I can’t sleep.” she told her mom, who was handing her a glass of water. “Thanks.”

“Well.. can’t we all?”

Michelle shrugged.

“Mom. I had this weirdest dream.”

“I thought it was a nightmare.”

“I don’t know. I was not seeing anything. It’s just... there was some voice I heard. Speaking in a language I didn’t understand. I think it’s like Arab or something.. tagalog or something.”

“Well.. what did it say?” asked her mom curiously.

“I don’t know. I told you. It’s a foreign language. How could I tell? But I could tell that he’s hurt or upset. It was very grim and there are a lot of yellings...”

“It’s a he? Wow. You need to get rest, Mich, especially when you start to dream about an unknown boy.”


30 Januari 2009
Jakarta Utara

“Dr. Prawojo, aku sudah merasa lebih baik. Aku tahu. Aku bisa merasakannya di dalam sini. Sepengetahuanku, Eric tidak pernah muncul lagi dan begitu juga suara asing itu. Aku sadar kalau semuanya tidaklah nyata. Semua hanya bayangan semata. Anda juga tahu bukan, sepanjang waktu ini Anda juga mengawasi aku.”

"...What are you saying? Who are you?..."

“Aku tidak bisa berpura-pura kalau kamu masih belum sembuh, Luc. Aku senang sekali kamu akhirnya bisa mengatasinya. Dengan demikian, kamu sudah boleh pulang. Kembalilah ke keluargamu. Kembalilah ke hidupmu. Aku akan mengurus semua dokumennya.”

"I can't let them know about him... no.. not right now... I must act as if nothing is happening to me.. it's all imagination..."

“Terima kasih, dr. Prawojo.”

Lucas menyalami Dokter itu. Senyum sopan melintas di bibirnya, yang dibalas juga dengan sebuah senyum tulus kebapakan dari dokter yang sudah mengawasinya dalam program yang ketat selama 2 setengah tahun belakangan.

Ketika Lucas keluar dari gedung itu, pikirannya hanya ada satu. Ia harus mencari tahu siapa sebenarnya gadis itu. Pikiran siapakah yang selama hidupnya ini dia dengarkan? Iya, karena Lucas telah menyadari selama 2 tahun ini, di dalam sel yang sepi sendirian, mendengarkan semua suara-suara itu. Mereka adalah pikiran dari seseorang. Pikiran dari seorang yang hidup di negara lain. dan entah bagaimana, Lucas bisa mendengarnya, tanpa dia ketahui.

Dan sekarang, setelah dia bebas dari kurungan Dr. Prawojo, dia akan bisa menyelesaikan semua teka-teki ini, dan menemukan siapa sebenarnya gadis itu.

"... not really happening..."


October 22, 2008
Somewhere in Los Angeles

“Halo? Halo? Namaku Lucas. Bisakah kamu mendengarku? Aku adalah seorang lelaki berusia 18 tahun di Indonesia. Suaramu selalu masuk ke kepalaku. Aku bisa mendengar apa yang kamu pikirkan. Tapi aku tidak tahu namamu. Bisakah kamu memberitahuku? Halo.. halo.. namaku Lucas. Bisakah kamu mendengarku?”

Michelle freaked out. She didn’t realize she had just been screaming so loudly inside the exam hall. How could she not be? She suddenly heard a voice of a stranger man inside her head, as clear as her own thoughts. Voices she couldn’t understand. Voices which she had forced herself to believe wasn’t real. But they were! They are real!

“Stop it! Leave me alone!” cried Michelle out of the blue. The whole class were staring at her.

“Mich.. what happened? Are you OK?” asked a friend of her, Julia.

Michelle eyed at her protuberantly as if she was looking at something surprising.

“It happened again, Julia, and he was trying to contact me… I… I don’t want… please go away…” Then Michelle ran away. She scurried her way to the park, where all students were still at examination. There were no people there. She was on her own. But even after she’d closed her ears, the voices were still as clear as before.

“Aku tidak menyangka akan terkurung seperti ini. Aku harus keluar dari sini. Setelah itu, aku baru bisa melacak suara-suara ini. Tapi bagaimana caranya? Bagaimana?”

“Stop! Stop it please!” she kneeled on the grass, crying.


1 Januari 2010
Pinggir kota Medan
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Ada seorang lelaki jangkung berusia 20 tahun berdiri di tengah-tengah sebuah ruangan gelap tertutup. Satu-satunya sumber cahaya di ruangan itu adalah dari sebuah monitor flat berukuran 17 inchi, menghadap wajah lelaki itu, sehingga jika ada orang yang melihatnya dari dekat, ia akan bisa melihat sebuah ekspresi lelah pada wajah yang dulunya tegap dan berwibawa. Ia belum bercukur selama beberapa hari, dan rambutnya tidak gondrong lagi, melainkan pendek dan acak-acakan.

Pandangan Lucas benar-benar terfokus pada monitor di depannya, tapi ia tidak membaca satu hal pun disana. Malah, dia sekarang memejamkan matanya. Mulutnya tertutup rapat. Pikirannya tenang dan terkontrol. Dia sudah siap.

Hello... Hello... Can you hear me? Don’t be afraid. If you can hear me, I want you to stay calm and relax your mind. If you can hear this... please... think of the word ‘yes’...

Suasana di ruangan itu begitu hening. Tidak ada suara selama beberapa jam terakhir. Lucas menunggu dengan sabar. Satu menit... dua menit... tiga menit...

Lalu datanglah suara itu.

Yes... yes...

Lucas tersungkur jatuh karena kaget. Belum pernah dia sekaget dan sesenang sekarang. Dia berhasil. Girang bukan main, dia telah berhasil berkomunikasi dengan dia. Tapi dia masih belum selesai. Dia harus tetap tenang... dan melanjutkan...

I can hear you... I can hear you... can you hear me now? My name is Lucas... I have been hearing your thoughts for my whole life...

Lalu mendadak, tanpa peringatan, pikiran Lucas dibanjiri suara seorang perempuan...

...Oh my God, he can hear me... He can hear me too. Who are you? What are you doing inside my head? Oh no.. Am I going crazy?...

Stop! You must be calm. Please Arrgh——

——What? Stop it! What’s happening to me?

———Arrgh.. I know this can happen.. you should not listen to my thoughts right now——

——Ahh.. My head hurts.. Are you doing this to me? What are you doing?——

We are reading each other’s mind... I must stop... I must stop———

Lucas tidak bisa tenang dengan rasa sakit menyerang dikepalanya. Ia merasa bagaikan sebuah suara berfrekuensi tinggi dinyalakan di otaknya. Suara perempuan itu terus menerus datang, dan ketika akhirnya Lucas tidak bisa menahan lebih jauh lagi, dia terpuruk. Pingsan.


January 1, 2010
Downtown Los Angeles

“Mich.. Mich.. are you OK?”

Julia’s voice came thru her mind, but thankfully, it was from next to her. Michelle gasped for a heavy breath, and then looked at her friend.

“It’s gone. He’s gone. I can’t hear him now.”

“What happened just now?” asked Julia carefully. They were alone in Mich’s room.

“I think I just… I think we just communicated…”


“Yeah. He asked me to stay calm. He told me he was also listening to my thoughts the whole time, kinda like I am listening to his. His name is Lucas…”

“Lucas? Where is he?”

“I don’t know…we haven’t got the chance to really talk. I mean… my head hurt and I heard all this high frequency buzzing… I was afraid that he was doing that to me, somehow…but then it was gone.”

“What buzzing?”

“I think it’s because we were trying to read each other’s thoughts. I don’t know…”

And at that time… out of nowhere… A voice crawled in to Michelle’s head, so slowly and so delicately.

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... continued to PART TWO


Lucas, Michelle, and all the characters are mere fiction. Created by Bambang Superwan, 2007©